Matt and Sharlene Witt were married on May 29, 2010. Can't believe it has almost been six months and I haven't put it on my is because I am not technically able, but I will try. Sharlene was a beautiful bride. I thought of her a couple of weeks ago when I was watching TLC's "Say Yes to the Dress"...the show depicts girls grieving over which overpriced dress to buy. I was flabbergasted at the prices of the dresses! It made me think of Matt and Sharlene. Sharlene's dress was far less than 10,000.00 and she was absolutely gorgeous! I can't imagine that choosing which overpriced dress to wear for a day, could be of any importance in the realm of what is really important in this world!
Sharlene and Matt have been friends for many years. As we started to think back about how long they had known each other we realized it had been since second grade. Their sixth grade school teacher, Mrs. "O"-Ostermiller, came to their reception. She said it was the first students from the same class that she taught that actually got married. They had an on again off again relationship because we all know that timing is everything...and sometimes the timing has to wait. They always had mutual love and respect for each other.
Matt returned home from this mission in August or 2009, and by October, had proposed to Sharlene. She had a very full plate at the time. She was just going to graduate from Southern Utah University with a BS in Business, and ready to find a "real job". She was very involved in her Sorority-and very stressed. Somehow they both made it through. They were married in May of 2010, in the Joseph Smith Building. It was a beautiful wedding, and the reception was at my parents house in their yard. The weather was beautiful, and it was a fun reception.
Sharlene started a job as an assistant event coordinator for the Salt Palace Convention Center, and Matt is working at Oakland Construction in their IT department. He is hoping to get back into school soon. They have one of the cutest little dogs in the entire world. His name is Baxter, and I am a proud grandma....he is house broken, doesn't bark, entertains himself with the funniest games and is so entertaining. They really lucked up with such a wonderful little dog.
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